yay blogger is fixed! just like how my temperature is getting fixed!
i think can go school tmr,temperature almost all subsided.
but yesterday it shot up to 39.3 degrees,so scary.
i hope mr sam don't go and void my d and t sketch man....
after i spent 15 minutes on it! lol.
i should be blogging more but i am home-bound with nothing to do so its boring.
i miss school!!!!!!!!!! D:
i hate staying at home,so damn boring,and i am not even allowed to raid the fridge.
thanks evan,for helping to collect my homework((:
thanks to nicole,susana and etc that gave me support, i was really cooped up at home,thanks you guys(:
these fews days i have been practising piano,memorising marriage d'amour and transposing it.(see i am so bored)
and i also now starting to learn 'again and again' by 2PM on the piano,cos it looks easy enough for a patient that is as weak as a sick dog.lol....
now i am eating 4 kinds of yucky medicine every 3 hours. blech.